Prenatal Ultrasound has become ubiquitous in American obstetrics. If midwives don’t also offer prenatal ultrasound as standard of care, we are liable for not discovering dysfunction. This doesn’t mean pregnant people must choose to receive an ultrasound, but it does me that we should be offering THEM the choice, not making it for them.
This important document outlines the benefits and risks for clients to choose for themselves.
Excerpt: “Ultrasound imaging of an unborn baby is achieved by projecting intense sound waves through the tissue of the abdomen and bouncing them off of the baby. The sound waves that are reflected are interpreted by a computer and displayed as an image on a screen. Your midwives can refer you to an ultrasound clinic at various times in your pregnancy for various reasons. Routine ultrasound is an amazing tool for determining normal growth and development of larger systems in the baby’s body (spine, heart, etc.), visualizing the physical symptoms of some birth defects, finding out where the placenta and cord attach to the uterus, and confirming the position of the baby. More in-depth ultrasound can be used for more detailed diagnostics when needed.
Other forms of ultrasound include the fetal doppler, which is very low-level in both intensity (megahertz frequency) and dose (strength of the signal) compared with imaging. A doppler only detects movement, such as a baby’s heartbeat, and interprets the movements into sound through a speaker. A doppler with a waterproof probe can be used in a birth tub, and requires very little interruption to the laboring mother as it can be used quickly in almost any position.”
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